Convenient, Safe & Fun


Safe & Fun

Homework Help, Social Time, & Fun Afterschool Projects

School Age | 5 - 13 Years | Serving Philadelphia, PA

Experienced Teachers Lend Expert Homework Help

Your child gets the academic support they need to understand and complete their homework. Experienced teachers help explain and reinforce concepts for your child, and you avoid the late-evening scramble to get everything done before bedtime.

Experienced Teachers Lend Expert Homework Help
A Healthy Snack Keeps Them Full Until Dinner

A Healthy Snack Keeps Them Full Until Dinner

You don’t have to worry about packing extra food for your child because your aftercare tuition includes a healthy, nutritious, allergy-conscious snack that keeps them fueled up for afternoons full of fun and learning.

Extracurricular Learning Tucked Into Exciting Projects & Games

Teachers guide your child through cool science projects, arts and crafts, and games and activities that have a hidden purpose—to keep your child engaged and learning long after the bell rings. They have a blast while soaking up new knowledge.

Extracurricular Learning Tucked Into Exciting Projects & Games
Time With Friends Supports Social-Emotional Growth

Time With Friends Supports Social-Emotional Growth

It’s good to unwind and hang out with your friends, and your child has that chance every day. Laughing and playing helps your child decompress, and there are always trusted teachers on hand if they need some extra social-emotional support.

Outdoor Playtime Helps Them Blow Off Steam

After a long day at school, sitting still is the last thing they want to do! Your child gets outside to run, play, explore, and connect with nature in the play yard and garden to burn off all that pent-up energy.

Outdoor Playtime Helps Them Blow Off Steam
Clean, Safe & Secure For Your Assurance

Clean, Safe & Secure For Your Assurance

Strict daily and weekly cleaning and sanitization measures, CPR-certified teachers, restricted access doors, CCTV cameras, and secure fences protect your child’s health and well-being every day for your peace of mind.

Your Child Never Walks To Aftercare Alone

Your child’s aftercare teachers come right to school to pick them up and escort them back to the center. You know they’re being supervised and protected all the way from the schoolyard to the door, giving you peace of mind.

Your Child Never Walks To Aftercare Alone

The Highest Star Level, The Highest Quality Standards!

Daily Transportation To & From Morton, Penrose, & St. Barnabas Schools


Monday to Friday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm

Toddlers : 1 – 3 Years
Pre-K : 3 – 4 Years
Pre-K Counts : 3 – 5 Years (Free for 5 hours: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm)
K-4 : 4 – 5 years
School Age :  5 – 13 years

Our director has a Master’s degree in education and a director’s credential; all teaching staff members have a Childhood Development Associate (CDA) or a related degree.

Your Child’s Success Is Their Destiny