Why Choose Us

The Highest Star Level, The Highest Quality Standards!

A Community Focus

Taking care of our families helps build a stronger, healthier community for everyone.

Whole-Child Approach

Teachers balance your child’s academic, social-emotional, and physical development.

Social-Emotional Learning

Children become confident, independent, empathetic classroom and global citizens.

Small Class Sizes

Classes stay below the state ratios for attentive, personalized learning for your child.

Free Exciting Enrichments

Regular yoga, dance, and music help widen your child’s horizons at no cost to you!

Food Program Included

Tuition includes healthy, nutritious, allergy-conscious breakfasts, lunches, and snacks.

Indoor & Outdoor Playtime

A motor skills room, playgrounds, and gardens encourage active movement every day.

Clean, Safe & Secure

Strict cleaning, safety, and security measures protect your little one all day.

How Old Is Your Child?


1 - 2 Years


3 - 4 years

Pre-K Counts

3 - 5 years


4 - 5 years

School Age

5 - 13 years

Summer Camp

Pre-K - 12 Years